We offer a variety of educational opportunities that combine the online experience with hands-on learning.
Our online Kerulos Learning Institute (KLI) offers a variety of courses, internships, mentoring, and career and educational consultations tailored to meet the needs of individuals and to support a path of transformation for healing and revitalizing all of Earth’s beings. Our “schooling for Nature” is grounded in the understanding that all beings are equal, all life is sacred, and we are one with all life. Offerings follow a four-step path of discovery designed to bring our species into resonance and unity with Nature:
- Awaken – Recognize Nature and humans as one
- Understand – Learn principles that give rise to Nature’s coherence and beauty
- Ground – Cultivate practices that revitalize deep connection to all of life
- Act – Live this understanding
Explore our courses below, or for more information contact us at info@kerulos.org. You may also sign up for one-on-one mentoring sessions with Dr. Bradshaw in support of your journey, as you align work, life, and studies to be who Animals need us to be.