One story, two species
Our story began two decades ago in South Africa when over 100 Rhinoceroses were found dead. Tourists caught the “perpetrators” on camera. Park biologists were shocked. The killers weren’t human, they were young male African Elephants (bulls). The naturally peaceful Elephant was acting completely out of character.
In 2004, Kerulos founder and Executive Director, Dr. Gay Bradshaw, discovered that the young bulls were suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a condition common to combat veterans and prisoners. While scientists tacitly acknowledge that Animals share with humans the same brain structures and processes that govern thinking, feeling, consciousness, and behavior, the diagnosis of Elephant PTSD was the first time this understanding was openly recognized. The large number of Rhinoceroses killed provided indisputable evidence of Animal psychological trauma caused by human violence.
Kerulos was founded in 2008 in response to widespread scientific and public interest.