Repairing Past And Present Harm of Nature
Sanctuaries are not only places where Animals find security and lifetime care, they are sites of reparation. Reparation is a healing process which openly recognizes the need to repair past and present harm and guarantees non-repeat. This process is not transactional, but one of mutual accompaniment that requires transformation of those in the web of accountability. For this reason, our sanctuary and social justice work are rooted in the concept of reparation.
For many, such as Turkeys and Chickens who are born with genetically-engineered deformities and ill-health, reparation extends beyond food and shelter to include compensatory costs for medical treatment and support tailored to psychological and physical needs.
The accompanier says: “I’ll go with you and support you on your journey wherever it leads. I’ll share your fate for a while—and by a while I don’t mean a little while.” Accompaniment is about sticking with a task until it’s deemed completed—not by the accompanier but the person being accompanied.