Community Practices
Kerulos’ Community Practices embody and apply our teachings of Nature Consciousness to specific issues relating to human relationships with the natural world. Together, we explore what it means concretely when human consciousness and culture align with Nature’s values and ethics.
Our projects bring diverse individuals together to share wisdom and catalyze collective growth for the emergence of new, Nature-inclusive language, custom, and meaning-making. Each project engages Animals, Plants, and other Earth beings as co-creators and thought leaders.
Community Practices are crafted to foster trust and respect by providing opportunities for creating meaningful dialogue, understanding and collaboration. Engaging in community is vital. While a shift and evolution of consciousness takes place individually, it does not happen in a void. Everything we do, think, and say emerges in relationship. This is “interbeing.”
Everything relies on everything else in the cosmos in order to manifest—whether a Star, a Cloud, a Flower, a Tree, or you and me. We are Nature and Nature is. There is no separation. We interbe.
-Thich Nhat Hanh